Gently used shoes you collect get funneled to developing countries, where people start small businesses to sell them.
By selling shoes, business owners have money to provide for their family—and people who need shoes the most get them at a price they can afford.
Funds generated through our 4Opportunity program allow us to use 100% of donor contributions for direct assistance and disaster relief programs in all 50 states.
By repurposing discarded shoes and clothing, you keep them out of landfills and help promote sustainability.
“Funds4Shoes is more than a lesson in giving back – it’s a lesson in how easy it is to make ripple effects with small changes. It’s not just about shoes, it’s about changing lives. Actively participating in that process with my daughter has taught us both valuable life lessons and given us an opportunity to make meaningful change.”
Collect 10,000 pairs of shoes, and Funds4Shoes will facilitate a free distribution event in collaboration with a nonprofit organization within your community.
Collect 25,000 pairs of donated shoes to support people globally and earn a trip for two to distribute new footwear.
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